About Us


Providing effective early intervention programs for vulnerable children and their families constitutes one of the most important challenges for contemporary societies. State-of-the-art intervention requires the contributions of specialists from many disciplines, the construction of programs that are firmly rooted in biomedical and behavioral research, a program development component that is capable of incorporating emerging research findings, and advocates and administrators to ensure that funding, personnel, and related resources and policies are available and consistent with the knowledge base and goals of early intervention.

Through support by ISEI and its network members the expectation is that professionals from each country or region will be able to better provide leadership to advance local agendas and advocate for higher quality practices in early intervention.


ISEI Coordinating Committee

The 19 member committee, composed of early intervention specialists in leadership positions, provide an international overview of the diverse array of biomedical and behavioral early intervention research and practice.


No dues are required or anticipated.


You can reach ISEI administrative support for your questions at: isei@uw.edu


Our ISEI Website hosted at the Center on Human Development and Disability at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

Infants & Young Children Journal

The journal Infants & Young Children (IYC) works closely with ISEI, periodically publishing special issues of interest to our international community. Publisher Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. also provides, free of charge, a collection of articles in order to promote further communications among members of ISEI. One article from each issue of IYC is available to ISEI members. Click here for more information or use the navigation link at the top of the page.