International Society on Early Intervention
A professional society providing a framework for communicating advances and promoting international networks in the field of early childhood intervention.

Our Purpose

To Build Global Collaborations
To Foster Communication
To Advance a Systems Approach
To Promote Belonging
We leverage technology to unite the international community in early childhood intervention to collaboratively work together to advance the field.
We translate and communicate research findings and service delivery practices to multiple audiences to improve systems of early childhood intervention throughout the world.
We promote comprehensive interdisciplinary and interagency systems of early childhood intervention at the local, regional and country level.
We support inclusive community based early childhood intervention systems that create a sense a belonging for all infants, young children and families.

Coordinating Committee
The 17 member coordinating committee, composed of early intervention specialists in leadership positions, provides international expertise in a diverse array of biomedical and behavioral early intervention research and practice areas.
Member Resources
As a benefit of membership, the Membership Directory allows searches of ISEI members by specific interest or specific location.

Past ISEI Conferences
ISEI holds a major conference every 3 years that brings together professionals, researchers, and advocates in the field of early childhood intervention. The conferences focus on sharing the latest research, best practices, and policy developments to support children with developmental delays or disabilities and their families.

Infants & Young Children
ISEI Members get access to IYC, an interdisciplinary journal in association with ISEI that is published quarterly and focuses on vulnerable children from birth to five years of age and their families.